Appendics # 1

Appendics # 2

Additional file 1
Takashi Watanabe, Tomohiro Miura, Yusuke Degawa, Yuna Fujita, Masaaki Inoue, Makoto Kawaguchi, Chie Furihata. 2009. gCharacterization of four histopathological type lung cancer cell lines by statistical analysis based on gene expression profiling determined by quantitative real-time PCRh [PDF]

Additional file 2
Takashi Watanabe, Tomohiro Miura, Yusuke Degawa, Yuna Fujita, Masaaki Inoue, Makoto Kawaguchi, Chie Furihata. 2010. gComarison of lung cancer cell lines representing four histopathlogical subtypes with gene expression profiling using quantitative real-time PCRh [PDF1] [PDF2]

Table S1
Table S1a-e for Watanabe T, Tobe K, Nakachi Y, Kondoh Y, Nakajima M, Hamada S, Namiki C, Suzuki T, Maeda S, Tadakuma A, Sakurai M, Arai Y, Hyogo A, Hoshino M, Tashiro T, Ito H, Inazumi H, Sakaki Y, Tashiro H, Furihata C. 2007. g Differential Gene Expression Induced by Two Genotoxic N-nitroso Carcinogens, Phenobarbital and Ethanol in Mouse Liver Examined with Oligonucleotide Microarray and Quantitative Real-time PCR. h Genes and Environment, in press. [PDF]